Gene set enrichment analysis#

Output Directory: results/gsea/


  • diffexp.smk

    • GeneSetEnrichment


Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) is a computational method used to identify and interpret patterns of gene expression in high-throughput data. It is often used to determine whether a particular group of genes is enriched for genes that are differentially expressed in a particular phenotype, such as insecticide resistance. GSEA helps researchers to identify pathways or biological processes that are associated with a particular condition, and can provide insight into the underlying mechanisms that drive the condition. GSEA is a powerful tool for uncovering new biological insights and can be used to guide further experimental research.

In RNA-Seq-Pop, we can use GSEA to test whether specific gene ontology (GO) terms are enriched in our differential expression and Fst data. This requires a GO annotation file (.gaf) for your study organism, for vectors these can be located at Vectorbase under data downloads.
